FiftyTenTravel Goals: Visit all 50 States and 10+ Counties
Welcome Letter to You
Welcome to Fifty Ten Travel. Our community has a goal to get ourselves (and/or our whole families) to all 50 states and at least 10 other countries!
We set our own timeframes and goals, and celebrate our adventures in different ways, but we are all here to cheer each other on.
My family of four (myself, my husband and my two kids) + one dog (Bouvier des Flanders- who often gets left with a Rover sitter) also have a 50/10 Travel Goal. We want to see 50 states by the time our girls both graduate from high school, and 10 countries together before they are 25. As of now, 2021, that gives me 23 or so years to get it all done.
We mostly feature travel articles that are family based. However, we also have city itineraries that are for couples or single travelers without children.
The goal of our articles are to showcase fun-filled itineraries detailed with food, sights and experiences. If you are planning on seeing all 50 states, you need to focus on the most fun for your time and bang for your buck in each state. We help you find that!
With Much Love,